SFB 1054

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Mind Matters: Resilience Training for Researchers

Build your stress resilience and boost your mental well being

30.08.2021 – 29.10.2021

mind matters 200xThis workshop combines weekly online meetings and self-paced work with exercises and workbooks over a 9 week period. The idea is to build sustainable resilience habits over the course of 9 weeks rather than overloading yourself with information in a 2-day event.

Live workshops take place on Mondays from 16-18.00. During the week you do self-paced exercises.  Weekends are free!

See the Mind Matters: Resilience Training flyer (pdf, 2.3 MB) for detailed description and schedule.

This workshop has gotten great reviews from other program participants!

If you are interested, please contact me by August 20! sfb1054irtg@med.uni-muenchen.de



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