SFB 1054

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Bioimaging Day 2021

Registration is now open!


Bioimaging Day 2021Bioimaging 2021 final 23apr21
Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Time: 09:00 - approx. 17:30
Venue: Virtual Zoom meeting with live demonstrations

Experts from the Life Science Campus will introduce cutting-edge techniques in Bioimaging.

Open to the scientific community, students, doctoral candidates and junior scientists who are intereste d in cutting-edge bioimaging techniques and analysis, covering molecular up to multicellular resolutions. All are welcome!


Free registration and program at www.bioimagingday.de

Hartmann Harz (CALM/Human Biology and Bioimaging) Welcome and Introduction
Daniel Bollschweiler (MPI B) Cryo EM Microscopy
Katja Lammens* (Gene Center) Cryo EM Microscopy
Ralf Jungmann (MPIB) DNA-PAINT
Robert Kasper (MPIN) STED (PALM/STORM)
Mariano Gonzalez Pisfil (BMC) FLIM
Andreas Ettinger (IES/HMGU) Live Imaging, Spinning Disk, FRAP
Remco Megens (LMU Klinikum) 2-Photon Laser Scanning
Ilgin Kolabas (iTERM/HMGU) Light Sheet, Clearing Tissues
David Hörl (CALM/Human Biology and Bioimaging) Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning
David Bunk (CALM/Human Biology and Bioimaging) Machine Learning and Image Analysis

*Project leader in SFB 1054


Co-organized by the graduate programs: SFB-IRTG 1054 Cell-Fate Decisions in Immune Systems, SFB-IRTG 1064 Chromatin Dynamics, IMPRS-LS Max Planck Research School for Life Sciences, SFB-IRTG 1243 Cancer Evolution, SFB-IRTG 914 Leukocyte Trafficking, SFB-IRTG 1123 Atherosclerosis - Mechanisms and Networks of Novel Therapeutic Targets, GRK 2338 Targets in Toxicology