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2017 Lecture Series SS

Career opportunities with a doctorate


Career opportunities with a doctorate

The IRTG representatives organized a lecture series on career opportunities with a doctorate in biology / immunology and invited speakers, some of whom did their doctorate at the LMU Institute for Immunology.

09:00 a.m., Room N02.017, LMU BioMedical Center, Großhaderner Str. 9, Planegg-Martinsried

16/05/2017 Dr. Jörg Schulze Executive Director & Business Unit Lead Oncology
Bristol-Myers Squibb
02/06/2017 Dr. Alexander Kirschner Subject-matter expert (SME): Quality Control Roche Diagnostics
09/06/2017 Dr. Marian Turner Senior Editor Nature Ecology & Evolution
23/06/2017 Dr. Andreas Schlitzer Emmy Noether Research Group Leader Life & Medical Sciences (LIMES) Institute, Universität Bonn
07/07/2017 Dr. Gwendolyn Behrendt

German Patent Attorney, Schiweck Weinzierl Koch 

Title: How to become a patent attorney in Germany/Europe/World? 

14/07/2017 Katharina Krippner

Technical Advisor, Schiweck Weinzierl Koch

Title: How to file a patent? Schiweck Weinzierl Koch


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