SFB 1054

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Leading with Excellence. Leading in Research/Upward Leadership


Workshop Details:

Date: Thursday, 19 October 2017 (1 day)
Trainer: Dr. Janina Mundt & Irmgard Mausz; LMU Center for Leadership and People Management



Workshop content:

Our premise is that professional leadership and teamwork are essential for scientific excellence. This seminar will introduce to you fundamental, theory-based principles of successful leadership and teamwork and will provide you with practical strategies. We usually think of leadership as a process of top-down influence from supervisors to their followers. Yet, for an effective collaboration, followers should be actively involved in the leadership process. This seminar will teach you how to lead effectively from your position as a Ph.D. student.

Central questions

How do I lead myself, my followers and my supervisor?
What techniques can I use to improve the cooperation with my supervisor and within our team?
How do I improve my own communication, as well as our team communication?
How can we cooperate and resolve conflicts in our team productively?
How can we create a culture of excellence in our team?


First, the seminar provides an overview of the main theories and models of professional leadership. We analyze your role as a leader (e.g., your interaction with student assistants, diploma students or interns) and discuss strategies for improvement of your leadership skills. Second, we present the main theories and methods of cooperation and successful conflict resolution in teams. Finally, we develop viable strategies for an effective cooperation with your supervisor. Overall the seminar is characterized by a combination of theoretical concepts and specific practical tools for implication. You will have the opportunity to exchange views on your individual experiences and your individual concerns in a moderated and practice-oriented discussion. Through role-playing and continuous cross-referencing between application and theory, you will gain helpful insights for developing your own behavior.


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