The 4th Harald von Boehmer Midwinter Conference: Advances in Immunology
SFB 1054 International Symposium in Seefeld (Tyrol)
20.01.2024 – 24.01.2024
The Harald von Boehmer Midwinter Conference – Advances in Immunobiology, January 20-24, 2024
Many thanks to all those who participated in the 4th Harald von Boehmer Midwinter Conference (MWC) - Advances in Immunobiology, which took place from 20-24 January, 2024. The venue, the Olympic Congress Center, is embedded in the beautiful mountain village Seefeld in Tyrol. The conference was co-organized by the DFG-funded Collaborative Research Centre 1054 from Munich and the FWF-funded Special Research Programme SFB F70 from Vienna.
The conference featured 25 internationally renowned speakers and a similar number of talks selected from abstracts, as well as two poster sessions. Topics ranged from basic aspects of lymphocyte development and immune regulation to immune mediated diseases, cancer and therapeutic concepts. With over 200 participants, the event fostered a lively and informal exchange of ideas among early career researchers and expert scientists.
The MWC is held biennially, continuing in the tradition and memory of its co-founder, the late immunologist Harald von Boehmer.
Please see the conference website for details and final program
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