SFB 1054

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SFB 1054 Seminar - Sarina Ravens

Centre for Laboratory Medicine, Institut of Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Germany

11.10.2018 at 12:15 

Title: Understanding the functional adaptation of gamma delta T cells using next generation sequencing technologies

Depending on their ontogeny, anatomical localization and function γδ T cells express different γδ T-cell receptors (TCR), which are generated by the Rag-mediated V(D)J recombination of γ- and δ-gene segments in the thymus. While lower frequencies of γδ T cells are found in peripheral blood, specific γδ T cell subsets are highly enriched and maintained as long-living cells within tissues, while other populations display a high functional heterogeneity. We apply next generation sequencing technologies to understand (i) the functional adaptation of human γδ T cell receptor repertoires in response to viral infections at clonal level during early childhood, in adult healthy individuals and stem cell transplant recipients and (ii) how the maintenance and tissue-specific function of murine IL-17 producing γδ T cells is reflected at single-cell transcriptomes.

Sarina Ravens - Website


BioMedical Center (BMC), Room N 01.017,
Großhaderner Str. 9, Planegg-Martinsried

Host: Ludger Klein (A01)


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